About Link Financial
Link Financial Outsourcing is part of the Link Financial Group, a trusted provider of outsourced loan management, standby and servicing solutions. The Group has been working with European financial institutions since 1998, managing more than 4.5 million individual and business accounts across nine European countries. In the UK, Link Financial Outsourcing services a wide range of credit lines including credit cards, consumer loans, mortgages, student loans, auto finance, utility receivables and equipment lease agreements. The company is recognised by the market as being best in class, Standard and Poor’s rates it as “Strong” in the Special Servicing division and “Above Average” in the Primary Servicing division.
The Link team is highly proficient in the use of state-of-the-art systems and customer service methodologies. This valuable combination enables it to reach a profound understanding of its customers’ unique and individual needs, and tailor the perfect approach for them. Every opportunity is taken to streamline service processes and to improve customer / company interaction. Online payment processing and collection facilities, speech analysis, programmed voice communications, data validation and decision analytics all play a major role in successfully operating Link’s multi-asset loan administration systems.
Company approach
Link believes that ethical conduct is much more than a requirement that it is obligated to meet; it is a conscious choice that shapes the very foundation of the company and operations. It takes pride in advocating integrity and fairness in all its dealings.
As a company, Link maintains a strong focus on compliance and respectfully observes the standards and guidelines of several trade associations, including the Credit Service Association, UK Finance and the Finance and Leasing Association. Link Financial Outsourcing is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Link Financial Outsourcing
Loan Servicer
Link Financial Outsourcing Limited
The Peak
2nd Floor
5 Wilton Road
Official Website:
Phone: 03330 145 145
Email: [email protected]